Mature Sensual Banners

Here’s how

~ First, right click on the image you would like to place on your website. This will save the banner onto your computer.
~ Go to the page you want to put the banner on ( i.e. in the back part of your website).
~ Click on “Insert Image” ( it may say Media instead of image ).  You’ll upload the Mature Sensual banner as a photo (you may have to search for Mature Sensual on your computer).
~ Once the photo is on the page, click on the photo to highlight it and go up to the “links” icon.
~ Click on the links icon, and you can insert a link there that will send whoever is clicking on the banner to the appropriate page (in this case, your profile page).
~ Alternately, you can also just cut and paste the link to your page and put it underneath the banner once you’ve uploaded it as a photo.

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Mature Sensual Banner - 468 x 40 - 1
Mature Sensual Banner - 468 x 40 - 2
Mature Sensual Banner - 200 x 130 1
Mature Sensual Banner - 200 x 130 2
Mature Sensual Banner - 200 x 130 3
Mature Sensual Banner - 200 x 130 4
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